“I want to marry a foreigner” – such wishes are more and more common among Ukrainian ladies, who visit Ukrainian marriage agencies. There are no accurate statistics on how many women from Ukraine each year permanently leave home. But an increasing interest in overseas men is evidenced by the number of companies that specialize to organize meetings with potential foreign fiancés and Ukrainian brides. Only in Kyiv more than 70 marriage agencies are counted.
Why do Ukrainian girls like foreigners? First of all they appreciate the reliability of the foreign men. Ukrainian girls think that foreign husband can provide stability so they can be safe in relationship. Foreign men also have way less problems with alcohol than Ukrainiam men. General level of culture of European men is also higher. Usually foreigners are more polite, tactful, raised with respect for women and have more charm than Ukrainians do.
Foreign men can be compared with the children, they are not spoiled. They do not have such a choice of girls, like Ukrainian spoiled men who have already forgotten how to take women seriously. Foreigners trust, love, appreciate and cherish the feelings. They do not try to change their wifes, they give them the freedom to feel comfortable with them.
During last decade Ukrainian women have started more actively seek for husbands abroad. Most often potential brides are Ukrainian girls from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Crimea and Kiev. In recent years, Ukraine, for foreigners has become a popular place to look for brides. The desire to tie fates with Ukrainian girls is mostly often seen in men from USA, Italy, Germany, Israel, UAE, ets. Young and ambitious Ukrainian girls want to marry a foreigner for economic reason. Since the economic situation in Ukraine leaves much to be desired, no wonder that most Ukrainian girls look for financial stability. It’s a well-known fact, that the quality of life in the West is higher and one has more opportunities to make a career. And ambitious Ukrainian girls go abroad not because they are losers at home, but because they realize that they can attain more outside Ukraine. Naturally, they look for reasonable and safe ways to leave Ukraine. The second reason may seem incredible, but nevertheless it’s very important. Some Ukrainian girls are afraid to marry Ukrainians. They either have already had bad experience, being married, or were witnesses to their parents’ broken marriages. Drinking bouts, beating and violation is so common, that it has stopped to be amoral or shocking. Ukrainian girls believe, that if they marry a foreigner, everything will be completely different. Ukraine has a difficult demographical situation. There are more women than men. For every 100 women there are only 97 men. So, at the least, 3 Ukrainian girls out of 100 can’t find a husband. If we add the fact, that men die earlier, some of them at a young age, we’ll see that in big cities every tenth woman at the age of 35 can’t get married just because of demographical problem.
Why do you think Ukrainian girls are so popular among foreigners? It’s not only because Ukrainian girls are kind, caring, pleasing to talk with but more interested in building a family than others. Another important aspect, though not the most important - their beauty: they are well-groomed, elegant and feminine. It is very important to emphasize their femininity for Ukrainian girl. The hair is perfectly stacked, the manicure and pedicure is flawless, moreover, it is practically impossible to meet a girl in sneakers. Sometimes you can hear that girls from Eastern Europe are materialistik or lookig only for money. In reality, the fact that these girls are interested primarily in money more like a legend than reality. But every rule has its exceptions. If you meet a beautiful girl and she asks for money on a first date it’s a clear signal that she wants you use you and you can never see her again. I must also add that in the countries of the former Soviet Union, all lunches and dinners, especially during courtship, are paid be the man. This approach does not mean the desire to sit on the man's neck, it's just the mentality of Slavic girls.
When people of different cultures live together some problems may arise, especially at first. It's language, personal and moral issues for a woman. Ukrainian girls abroad are in need of spiritual communion and understanding. They can not find that warmth, those conversations they used to know at home abroad. The partner should understand as much as possible and try to communicate with the woman. Husband must help her find a circle of friends among their friends or emigrants.
But there’s also a lot of pluses when you have Ukrainian girl as a wife. Usually after European girls get marry, they disguise of "femme fatale" in clothing of desperate housewives with curlers on their head and in a flannel pajamas from morning to evening. This is unlikely to happen with a girl from Ukraine, she will always care about her appearance, it’s a determining factor in the relationship for her. She will do everything not to become unattractive to you. She will find a way to surprise you and maintain passion even after many ears of marriage. Also, Ukrainian girls know how to keep family strong and united. Also there’s no dilemma in choosing between home and career for Ukrainians. They manage to be both mothers and wives and working. The union of two people, especially if they have kids, is considered unbreakable. Breakup is only possible in special cases. Unlike our compatriots they used to fight not to lose their lovers.
In other words if you will marry a girl from Ukraine you will never get bored. Unless you are boring from the start.