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How to find my true love?

2015-07-21 23:53

Love… Who knows what love is? Is that a real feeling which makes us happy or it’s just a simple but sweet word? How to understand that I’m in love – can I fly or something like that? All these questions come to your head at least once in your life. And, probably, you could not manage them unless you fall in love with Ukrainian women. The same thing was with me. And now I want to share my love story (about me and Ukrainian women) with you.


  1. The first step – choosing the right way.

Real or virtual life? I didn’t know what the best is but I was always curious about Ukrainian women. So I decided to create an account on one dating site and take a chance. Frankly speaking it was worth trying. I met a lot of beautiful and smart Ukrainian women there but the only one stole my heart away. It seemed to me love came to my heart and took my breath away.

  1. The second step – daily communication.

I was totally happy because I found the right woman. Every day we wrote messages to each other, she sent me her pictures and, by the way, I did the same. We were so similar – the same interests, the same life positions, eager to try new things and take risks. Then we decided that it’s not enough for us and started speak via Skype. I realized that she is my soul mate and I can’t live a day without her voice or message. I felt in love with this Ukrainian woman finally.

  1. The third step – confess to yourself

It is one of the hardest steps because you should admit that you are in love and hide it. To tell the truth it was not love at first sight. It was love at first message. Probably, you think that I’m insane but I really felt she is my person. The only one problem is I was so cowardly to admit I truly love her and, of course, make a declaration of love. I wanted to talk to her face to face but I couldn’t take a grip on myself. It seemed beyond my power. And I was ready to give up just because of huge fear. And then I asked myself – does the fear of confessing ruin my relationship? I knew the answer and what I have to do. I took a deep breath and told my Ukrainian women that I love her.



  1. The fourth step – visiting your soul mate

I was totally over the moon. She agreed to meet me in Ukraine. I planned my trip and our dates to the smallest details. I’ve stayed there for 2 months. She was sweet not only on her appearance but as a person as well. We spent too much time together and I made a proposal to my Ukrainian women angel.  It was unbelievable seeing tears on her beautiful cheeks. I saw she is happy and in love as I’m.

  1. The fifth step – be brave and honest.

Now we are a couple, a real family and we have two kids. I’m glad I found my real love, my darling Ukrainian women in that way. I’ve got rid of my fear and became a happy family man.

This was my try to find a true love and it was successful I guess so, cause we live together with Ukrainian women and love each other. It’s not so difficult – just choose the right way and believe in yourself as well as in real love. It will work out very well.

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