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Family of a Russian woman: what should you expect

2015-09-30 16:09

Russian girls seeking for men are very specific and they were brought up in a special family different from Western or American one. This fact is explained by the specific Russian mentality the principles of which are very different from the Western culture.

Russian girls seeking for men pay a lot of attention to their potential partner`s personality and contemplate if this guy will be approved by her parents. It is the key issue while dating women from Slavic countries as the opinion of her family may destroy or tighten your relationships.

As rule, the questions and inquiries about Russian mother-in-laws are the most popular. There are some stereotypes that the Russian bride`s mother is very aggressive and unfair toward her daughter`s future husband. So, why Russian mothers-in law are demonized by the men from around the world?

Foreigners typically scratch their heads and have no answer for that. The question now arises of whether Russian fathers-in-law are also believed to be the same. The answers for all these issues can be found in this article. So have a fun while reading this interesting info.

A typical Russian family

Russian family may be quiet big, so your potential bride can also have siblings, a lot of aunts and uncles, as well as grandparents. It has become a tradition that after marrying a Russian girl a man becomes an inseparable part of her family and is treated as its member as long as the relationships with a wife remain strong, romantic and happy.

A mother plays very important role in her daughter`s life. She rules all her daughter`s life until she becomes mature enough to build her own family. Of, course this interference can be irritating because even after marriage your Russian wife won`t get free from her parent`s opinion. But you should also understand that family ties in Russian culture are extremely strong and parents take care of their child until they become too old to fulfil this mission.

While visiting your girlfriend`s parents you will notice that they seem to be extremely pleasant people. They are very generous and welcome everyone with rich supper that can last till the morning. Yes, Slavic people are very hospitable and thoroughly prepare for the visit of the guests.

If it is the first time when you visit your girlfriend`s parents be sure that the whole family will gather to appreciate you. Your girlfriend`s relatives will bombard you with a great number of questions concerning your family, homeland, your work, position in the society and even your income. All these inquiries are made only with one aim - to be sure that the girl will be happy and successful with you. Russian girls seeking for men, and particularly for foreigners like to collaborate with our site.

Also be sure that you will be able to sustain the conversation on the following topics: politics, news, gossips, culture. Your bride`s father will definitely discuss the government of your country with you, so do not be embarrassed if he will criticize your government as it is the most favorite issue to complain for most Russian people. It is likely that your woman`s father will test you in a way he likes. It can be open conversation tête-à-tête with a full bottle of vodka during which he will learn your inner nature as it is well-know that tipsy people have nothing to hide.

But the main thing is to establish good relationships with your future wife`s mother since traditionally Russian woman plays a key role in each family. She doesn`t dominate over a man, but it is a person who can be leaned on in every difficult situation. As one of Russian proverbs claims: “Man is the head, but woman is a neck who turns it”. So, do everything to please your girlfriend`s mother as it is the sure way to success in an eyes of Russian girl seeking for men.

One more tip: do not ever think of living with you wives` parents after marriage. Remember that each generation has its own vision of life that is why the quarrels may often happen in the family circle. These difficulties can even destroy the relationships with you beloved woman. The best way out of this situation is to visit you parents-in-law as often as the free time allows you.

Remember that Russian girls seeking for men are also looking for a great son-in-law for their parents. Take this issue into consideration and your marital happiness will last forever. 

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