If you are interested in single Russian girls you must try to know them better. Let’s try to figure out their main features, what they like and how to distinguish yourself among other men. So, what do Russian single girls like? Girls from Russia tend to prefer much older men. Don’t be surprised if the twenty-year-old girl is interested in men in his forties of older. It is not a problem if their man is much older than her. Unlike Western women who adore the perfect athletic body, beautiful and manly face features, Russian girls are different. Fortunately, the laws of attraction are different in Russia. Girls here are much easy about it. Small tummy will not create any problem, you can be attractive for her without having the amazing press. “A man should be a little prettier than a monkey “ that’s what Russian proverb says. What else is able to impress a single Russian girl’s fantasy? Just smile more often. Try to show her your positive side, but do not overdo it.
Girls all over the world love receiving flowers. It is a pleasure both for a man to give and for the woman to accept them, because flowers are a symbol that conveys a much more powerful message than a card, a compliment or even a love letter. Bouquets of beautiful blossoms, in all their diversity, can declare wars and confess love. However, before giving your Russian girl a beautiful bouquet, any man should know that depending on the kind of flowers you chose and the way you give them, the girl will form a certain opinion about a man. For example, if you carry a bouquet in a rough negligent manner, your Russian girl will believe that this is the way you will treat her. So, if you want to avoid making a bad impression but still want to give her that special moment, follow these rules.
1. Don’t buy yellow ones. Yellow is a bad colour, because it means separation in Russia. If a guy gives a girl yellow flovers it probably means that he wants to break up with her. So stay away from yellow, unless of course you know that she likes them and will not take it the wrong way.
2. The number is important. While in the U.S. flowers are often sold in dozens and most often bought in even numbers, it is something you will not see in Russia. Flowers are sold individually and bought in odd amounts in all flower stores in Russia. The even number of flowers is only used to form bouquets that are taken to a cemetery on Remembrance Day or for a funeral. If you happen to give your Russian girl an even number of flowers, you should explain your tradition to her before you get in trouble. It is also not recommended to give thirteen flowers, as thirteen is considered to bring bad luck in Russia, as well as in many other countries.
3. Try to avoid red carnation. For a very long time, red carnations used to be a symbol of war and army in Russia. In the Soviet Union they were given to soldiers who left to war and then were laid on the graves of soldiers who never returned alive. Red carnations are still the most common flower put on soldiers’ graves on May 9, so called Victory Day. This is why over a long period of time they came to symbolize death.
4. Quality matters. If you care about the impression you make on the girl, you should choose the freshest flowers available.
5. Bring Russian flowers. Chamomiles are your best bet. They are considered to be the traditional flower of Russia and are often seen growing in the wild in this country. Even though they are not a common flower to be commercially sold, they are a special gift which will never be forgotten.
6. Chose roses and you almost never gonna miss. It’s easy, roses syambolyse love, especially red or pink variations.
Are you still not sure about online flirtation? Some research suggests that chatting online first can have a beneficial effect on face-to-face relationships. In the "Relationship Formation on the Internet" study, the authors tested whether a group of students liked each other more after an online or in-person meeting. They found the online group was much more chummy, in part because of the quality of the digital interaction itself. It means that the Web allowed participants to pare away interpersonal distractions and focus on communicating openly and honestly. Of course there are some pitfalls with too much online interaction before meeting in person. If you meet someone face to face shortly after you meet them online, it's not necessarily going to lead to someone having a positive relationship, but waiting longer increases the possibility that things are not going to work out. We tend to develop in our heads these impressions of what we think that person is like, even though the realities of communication do not reflect that. This effect of idealization can be mitigated by expanding the relationship beyond the bounds of the written word. In other words when people relay on text based communications they can be easily idealizing the partner. But when they see each other on camera it makes it more realistic this form of communication gives you more information about person you like.
Loneliness is not a part of human nature. People want to live in pairs. If you want to take attention of a single Russian girl you should follow this steps: