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Star Dating

2015-08-24 11:14

73-year-old Briton has become a real star on the dating sites

“Why should I look like an old woman and knit the socks while sitting at home?” – says this extraordinary woman surprisingly revealing the secrets of her beauty.

When this British woman enters her favorite bar, every man turns their attention to her. This blonde with extremely long hair, on high heels and in miniskirt attracts the attention of people who meet her immediately. If you look closer at her, you will say that this woman is approximately 48-50 years old. But you will definitely surprise when you get to know the truth. This bright woman is 73 years old and has become a real sensation in the UK and worldwide.

Miss Jane Pesch is registered on many Russian Ukraine dating sites and is looking forward for a partner who would appreciate her beauty and elegance. After becoming very popular on the Russian Ukraine dating sites Miss Pesch was invited to participate in many talk-shows where she revealed the secrets of her youth and beauty.

The story begins

Three years ago Jane`s husband died and after while she started to seek for her potential life partner with whom she will spend the rest of her life. For this reason the woman registered her profile on the Russian Ukraine dating sites. As she says she receives a lot of proposals every day from the men who are even under 40. As a rule, they do not believe that the woman on photo is 73 years old and are eager to meet her in real life. Jane likes Russian Ukraine dating and wants to feel the taste of life again. Russian Ukraine dating with men is what she needs to look young and attractive.

- It is supposed that a woman of my age should look in other way: to wear comfortable shoes, long dresses etc. But is so boring! – Jane laughs, - I have a lot of friends of the same age and they envy me, but why they cannot to overcome these stereotypes and venture to look the same as I do. I see no obstacles in doing this! I try to look as young as I feel. And I think I succeeded in achieving such results.

The Secrets of her Beauty

This British woman does not deny that she had paid many efforts to look 20 years younger than she actually is. She has made a lot of plastic surgeries and is not going to stop at what has been accomplished.

Her face is not the only part of her body to which she pays attention. The figure is also very important to her. To stay fit and slim she does exercises every day and keeps a healthy diet.

I do sport for 30 minutes a day and eat only healthy food, - Jane says. - As a result my weight is 54 kilos and I have a figure that attracts men`s attention. I started such way of life when I was 30. And here are the results: I`m happy, beautiful and enjoy the life while my friends only complain about their diseases.

Criticism of her sons

Jane’s sons do not always approve the style of life their mother leads, but she is not going to regard their opinion seriously.

- Of course, I`m missing my husband, - Miss Pesch confesses, - but I’m trying to live and enjoy every minute of my life. Is it a crime? I could live as other retired people, but I do not want to sit at home and wait till one of my sons calls me. I`m trying always to be involved in something, I need this activity. I meet my friends, have dinner with them, go shopping, attend concerts etc.

Extremely popular among men

For this reason the retired woman has decided to register her profile on the Russian Ukraine dating sites. She wanted to get acquainted with her contemporaries, but when she started to look through their photos she was amazed: “They are so old!” Though she doesn`t lack for attention from men – she is written to by potential partners who are from 40 to 50 years old.

"After I had registered my profile on a Russian Ukraine dating site I began to receive a lot of messages from men that were 30-40 years old. I was pleased and surprised by such attention but I had to reject them. I`m seeking more mature man. I do not think I’m an old woman, therefore I do not understand why I have to communicate only with the aged”, - Miss Pesch commented.

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