To get acquainted with Russian girl, and most importantly to make their further relations successful European men need to have an idea of what Russian girls are. You have to know know the specifics of their mentality, preferences and national traditions. Russian girls are probably one of the most mysterious girls for European men. First of all, Russian girls are extremely loving. It’s genetic feature of all Slavic women, and national peculiarity of all Russian women. If they love you they will do almost anything for you. Russian women are women who sacrifice themselves for the sake of their husbands. They sacrifice their career for the sake of family and kids. As you can already understand they have a heart of gold. If Russian girls marry they dissolve in their husbands. They are always want to be with their husband.
You better to read this if you are asking yourself about how to make Russian or Ukrainian girl like you. First of all let’s talk about the priorities of Slavic girls. The main thing for the majority of Slavic women is a strong and united family, material wealth is important too. They are romantic and believe in one love for the rest of your life. They will give you all their love and passion if they are sure that you’re soulmates. There’s a Russian proverb “Love is not a fire, if it’s lightened up it is impossible to extinguish". Russian girls believe that their fate can be found anywhere, even if you just open a dating site.
Since Russia has strong patriarchal traditions, girls are brought up appeasable and obedient, with lots of patience and humility. Russian girls recognize the authority of the men in the family. This is confirmed by Russian proverbs, such as “If he beats you it means he loves you” and “Everyone in the family is asleep, and the daughter-in-law is told to grind”. Of course you shouldn’t take this literally, but it shows, that Russian girls are raised to be a good wifes. Russian girls are also famous for their beauty, heartfulness and thrift. Russian girl will never leave a child on the street in winter in sandals. Of course, each has its own individual characteristics.
There are girls who do not fit the portrait of mother-housewife, they focus on career or frivolous lifestyle. That’s why dating Russian girl can break down stereotypes sometimes.
Now let’s talk about how to compliment Russian or Ukrainian girl. It is needless to say that all girls like compliments. Russian and Ukrainian girls are not different. They really like compliments, because Slavic girls like to express their emotions. And they like it when men do the same. It is very important for Russian girls to know your true feelings, you shouldn’t hesitate. Let’s see how to compliment a girl and what girls like to hear. If you had even the slightest contact with opposite sex you know that wome place a high value on communication. Hence, after talking to her for a while, you need to drop the compliment that flatters. You should said: “Wow, I could talk to you all night long!” Most men who don’t fit the “metrosexual” label get up, locate whatever is clean and put it on. On the flip side, most women spend plenty of time selecting each piece of an outfit, which is highly dependent on multiple factors. Therefore, rather than trying the tired “That’s a beautiful dress,” you can tweak it for the sake of freshness by generalizing and summing up the entire ensemble: “You look fantastic.” Make sure you comment on the fact that her earrings are a good selection and match her top, or perhaps you can notice that her shoes are the “perfect choice.” These are compliments women can’t resist because most females put a tremendous amount of emphasis on their ability to pick out fantastic outfits. It’s not so much about how they look, it’s about her skill in bringing out her most attractive features. Compliment her personality. The best thing to compliment a girl on is her personality. This is something that she has a certain amount of control over and it is something that is intrinsically her, rather than something like clothing which usually has very little to do with her and who she is. Compliment her from your heart. You don’t have to overthink compliments. You can just compliment her naturally, by saying exactly how you feel. Speak from your heart and the perfect compliment should come out. The trick to doing this, though, is that you have to respect and value her first. Just tell her she’s beautiful. It doesn’t have to be complex or followed up with qualifiers. You don’t have to explain what you find beautiful. Just tell her that she’s beautiful.
If you want Russian or Ukrainian girl to fall in love with you, chances are that you'll have to go that extra step to win her over. That's okay, though, because you're probably willing to do anything it takes. Love is an art, not a science, so try to think of these steps as fluid guidelines. Girls like gifts! You can gine her flovers, card, jewelry, ets. But you should understand that the best gift for a young Russian girl is your attention. Usually she don’t need your money, she just wants to feel your love. It is important to let Russian girl know that you love her.
Winning her heart is not an easy deal. Russian girl will be happy if she can see that you know her. Getting to know her is about more than just memorizing her birthday and where she was born. Spend time with her, build trust, and come to appreciate the things about her that she doesn’t often show. Learn about her fear of water (and why she’s afraid) or learn about her most embarrassing moment (and help her laugh it off). Understand how she thinks and what she believes. This will help you love her as a complete person, and she will appreciate that more than you can understand. Find out what she likes to do. Then do those things with her. Doing something that you know she likes has the added advantages that she feels comfortable and safe doing it.
Give her some space, keep your mind open and don’t judge her. Also you should treat her as equal, respect her thoughts, feelings and emotions. And the last thinf is to Be honest and genuine with yourself and with her, always. Honesty builds trust, but once the trust is broken, it never returns. From that moment on, your words will be suspect. Reveal your true heart and soul. Do not fear to "bare all".