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Russian wedding traditions-a must know info for each foreign groom

2015-09-30 15:50

Russian wedding traditions are very different from that ones that are used in other parts of the world. So, if you have found a Russian bride this information will be extremely useful as it is likely that celebration will be held in her homeland.

You should know that the period of preparation for a wedding is a real stress for a Russian bride that is why this time may seem to be a real hell for you. The best way to make this process as painless as possible is to be well-prepared for it and help the future wife to organize the celebration. So, here is the most common and useful information about Russian wedding that each foreigner, who is dating a Russian girl, should be aware of in order to make the wedding flow smoothly and without confusions.

Step 1: Ransom for a Russian bride

According to this tradition a groom comes to his bride`s home with his relatives and friends. To get his beloved woman he should pay some ransom to the bride`s relatives or friends. This tradition is very funny and brings every guest much pleasure. The groom will have to bargain and then pay for his bride. The sum of money maybe quiet high, so be prepare and take cash with you.

Step 2: Ceremony in church

If a couple is sure that their love will last forever they decide to have ceremony in church before the official registration of the marriage. This ceremony is 30-120 minutes long and is held according to the traditions of Russian Orthodox Church. This ceremony is very touching and beautiful as well as breathtaking both for the couple and the guests.

Step 3: Civil ceremony

The civil ceremony is very important as without this official registration your wedding will be considered invalid and the wedlock won’t be acknowledged by the law. Before entering the registration hall the couple is greeted with salt and bread. The official ceremony lasts approximately 15 minutes. The couple exchanges the rings and signs in the book of wedding registration. Bridesmaid and best man should also justify this marriage with their signs.

Part 4: Wedding tour in limousine

After official registration Russian bride and a groom as well as their nearest and dearest visit the remarkable sites of a city. They take a lot of pictures and organize a little stand-up party. For example, in Moscow there are many places of interest such as Red Scuare, Gorkiy Park etc. The photos taken during such a tour are stunning and very creative.

Step 5: Wedding celebration

Wedding reception is the most pleasant and interesting part of a celebration. Unlike the wedding reception in other European countries, this one is crazy and very loud. It is the longest part of a wedding as it last for two days.

The celebration includes everything one can ever wish: singing, dancing, eating, drinking etc. The guests prepare long and touching toasts as well as good presents. According to Russian traditions every guest who makes a toast should сrash the glass after having drunk the champagne. It is considered to bring a good luck to the newly-weds.

One more interesting Russian bride’s and groom’s wedding tradition is when everyone pretends that the bride is stolen. To return her back the best man should pay some ransom or make something crazy to amuse the guests.

Step 6: The second day of celebration

The second day of a wedding celebration is extremely fun and interesting. Very often the relatives of a Russian bride and groom disguise themselves and walk through the city playing and singing songs as well as asking the passers-by to give some small sums of money for marital happiness of the newly-weds. For this contribution the strangers can join the celebration and spend a great time with this retinue.

So you can see that Russian wedding is an extraordinary and exciting event that will leave you only with positive memoirs. Get prepared for it and everything will be just perfect!

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